Leftist Experience

’68 From Below

’68 From Below

In 1998, on the thirtieth anniversary of 1968, the media showcased the spokesmen of the time: Rudi Dutschke, Bernd Rabehl, Knut Nevermann, Rainer Langhans and Horst Mahler. They accorded them hours of broadcasting time for their mainly negative assessment...


At the end of 1968, the political movement split into a number of factions. The revolt at the Film Academy ended dramatically: The most active and creative students had been removed as part of disproportionate punitive action. But what was to become...
Sexual Revolution?

Sexual Revolution?

The Whore Complex In no. 35 of the journal Kursbuch, published in 1974, five women converse about their experiences with the “sexual revolution,” among other things: Wera: What happened when you practiced this ‘free sexuality’ and slept with a ...
Why So Furious?

Why So Furious?

My coming-out inspires fear, fury and research In an initial overview for the present project, I described my coming-out as a lesbian in the summer of 1970 as quite harmless, at least at the film academy, where there were many gay men and a liberal...
Militant Women

Militant Women

So I left the Wochenschau group because it was too moderate, I announced, and joined a group of anarchist-minded women with whom I worked on the collective of the newspaper Agit 883 . That meant translating Italian and French articles, typing up the...
Women’s Commune

Women’s Commune

Vier Frauen auf dem Kriegspfad/Die Suche nach neuen Verhaltensweisen und Frauenbildern/Entstehung der Bewegung des 2. Juni Ich verbrachte den Sommer und Herbst 1970 mit den Frauen von Agit 883 , aber wir kamen dort mit dem „Frauengeschäft“ nich...
In Search of a Theory

In Search of a Theory

Frauen treten linken Parteien bei Die Politik unserer Frauenkommune beschränkte sich auf „Aktionismus“. Durch Verhaltensänderungen und Grenzüberschreitungen versuchten wir, unseren Weg nach vorne zu finden. Wir waren verwirrt und bereit, alles ...
Women Make Movies (1971)

Women Make Movies (1971)

Women Make Movies (1971) Feisty suburban women plan a film/ “Camera as weapon”/ The “apron-pocket screenplay”/ Feminist realism/ Collective work practices/ Effects I got to know the Tenants’ Council in the Märkisches Viertel neighborhood through my...